By Karen Balik- A longtime friend, client and founding SHS Self Love Club member

Human touch is a powerful thing.  I am a hugger and I’m not ashamed to admit it. To me, nothing can fill my soul the way a loving hug can.  It makes this confinement that much more difficult.  I can’t hug my friends on Zoom or kiss my kids on FaceTime! 

Yes, we are lucky to live in time when technology helps us stay connected to the people we love, conduct our business and even order groceries.  However, it is no replacement for the physical connection and the power of touch.  This is a lesson that we needed to learn as a society before the pandemic and it is even more critical now.  Humans are a tactile species and social media cannot replace social gatherings, no matter how hard we try.

Touch is the first of the sense to develop in infants and is perhaps the most emotionally central throughout life.  Touch induces oxytocin - also known as the “bonding hormone” that can lower stress, blood pressure and heart rate - while increasing a sense of trust and security.  Back in my days working in advertising, we even described our company’s client service as “high touch” (we marketers have some good ideas!). 

Last night I had a (socially distant) visit from 2 friends, friends who I have been on Zoom with almost every day of this confinement.  The pleasure in seeing them in person at my doorstep was greater than many multiple minutes of screen time, and that was even without a hug!

I believe that one of the great lessons we will learn as a society from this experience is that technology cannot and should not replace a face to face social interaction for any sustainable amount of time.  In time, we will be shaking hands again, Europeans will be kissing on both cheeks again and I will get all the hugs I could possibly need.  This is truly something to look forward to.