How to Mindfully Prepare for the Holidays

Holidays can be exciting, but also a source of stress and anxiety. We want to suggest to you to acknowledge the potential stress, anxiety and overwhelm and stay ahead of it.

These practices can help you prepare for (and maybe actually enjoy) this holiday season:

  • Practice gratitude. A daily gratitude practice does wonders for your mental health and well-being. Write down at least 1 thing every day that you are grateful for. And don’t wait for Thanksgiving to give thanks, start today!

  • Continue or Start a Self-Care Routine. Everyone’s self-care routine looks different, but regardless of what it looks like for you, you need to have one. We recommend: carving out some tech-free time for yourself in the morning (even if its a few minutes over a cup of coffee) and moving your body for at least 20 mins each day. End your day with your gratitude practice, and you have the foundations of a great self-care routine.

  • If you feel lonely, reach out. Especially if you live in an area like the Northeast, where it will continue to get colder and darker, feelings of loneliness, sadness, and isolation may increase. Stay ahead of it by reaching out to loved ones, making social plans, and attending a holiday party. If in-person gatherings are not an option for you, that’s ok. Think about becoming part of an online community (like ours!). You can always join Superhuman Soul’s Self Love Club on Saturdays at 11:15 am. That’s exactly what it is there for.

  • Volunteer. If you have time (be mindful not to overextend yourself), volunteer locally. If you don’t have the time or are not able to physically volunteer, donate to a charity that you care about. Generosity is a great wellness practice. Not sure where to donate? A charity that’s dear to our hearts is

  • Plan ahead. Our calendar is cyclical. You know what to expect each holiday season because its pretty similar to holidays in the past. You know who you have to shop for, what you are hosting, where you have to go and what you have to do. So, don’t procrastinate and plan ahead. Carve out some time this weekend to start your planning. You’ve got this!

  • Accept it wont be perfect and simply do your best. For your own mental health and well-being you must release any expectation of “perfection” and instead focus on doing your best. Your best is good enough. Everything works out, but rarely ever how we think it will.

  • Ask for help. Especially if you are hosting a gathering or event. Ask for help, delegate and remove some responsibilities from your plate. Remember, everything you want to do takes longer than you think it takes. Don’t take on too much. Ask for help.

  • Do something fun! Sign up for holiday fitness events - save the date for our HIIT for the Holidays Event at Breakthrough Fit Co in Hartsdale, NY on December 16, 2021.

We sincerely hope these tips help you to navigate the holiday season mindfully. Please let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.